Natural edge slab wood dining tables, our slab dining tables are exactly what they say, single slab dining tables.

Our dining tables are constructed from waney through and through boards, fully seasoned and kiln dried. A huge number of modern tables are timber slats jointed together to obtain the width.

Natural edge slab wood dining tables






We on the other hand select our own boards from a variety of suppliers to make single natural edge slab wood dining tables. The beauty of these tables, is a stuning regular grain that is not interuped by joints that detract from the natural look.


Natural edge slab wood dining tables


We pride ourselves in keeping the natural look, whilst finishing the slab to a very high standard as you would any piece of furniture.

We guarantee your natural edge  slab dining tables will be a focal point in your home and a much talked about item at every meal time.

Our tables are sold with indepth care instructions, if these are followed the maintanance is almost non existant, so they are very durable tables that brings you are a beautiful piece of nature into your home.

natural edge slab wood dining tables









We select all our natural edge table tops personally so you have piece of mind that you are not getting a mass produced table, but an amazing piece of art never to be replicated.

Natural edge slab wood dining tables can be made from oak, cedar, ash, walnut, burr elm to name but a few.

If you have an ideal timber that will fit into your surroundings, we do our utmost to source it for you and work with you to achieve fantastic natural edge slab wood dining tables.

Contact us with your ideas.


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Unique wild wood furniture

Unique wild wood furniture

natural edge, natural wood, dining tables, coffee tables made to your specification,

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