Live edge Handmade yew beds

Live edge Handmade yew beds

Live edge handmade yew beds, in the dominated by mass-produced furniture, there is a timeless allure to pieces that are handcrafted with care and precision. One such piece is the live edge handmade yew bed, crafted from the natural beauty of yew wood, these beds are...
Hardwood dining tables

Hardwood dining tables

Hardwood dining tables, when it comes to furnishing your dining room, few pieces are as iconic and enduring as a hardwood dining table. These pieces of furniture are not only functional but also serve as the centrepiece of family gatherings, dinner parties, and daily...

Resin river dining tables

Comprising of slices of tree cut along its length, Resin river dining tables consists of the tree slices book matched on opposite sides, as a result they have a mirror image. The middle of the table is left as a gap which is filled with resin, this is called the...


Cover for Unique wild wood furniture
Unique wild wood furniture

Unique wild wood furniture

natural edge, natural wood, dining tables, coffee tables made to your specification,

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