We use slabs cut from a variety of different trees for our tree wood kitchen tables.

Using our years of knowledge and expertise, we personally select all our timber used in our workshop.

We never leave this process to a third party and take a huge amount of pride in this matter. We select our tree wood in boards called through and through boards.

These are air and kiln dried and then hand made into unique tree wood kitchen tables.

Tables that will form a wonderful centrepiece to your kitchen.

Tree wood kitchen tables

Tree wood kitchen tables

Responsibly sourced, We use only responsibly sourced English hardwood that either comes from managed woodlands, from trees that have come to the end of their life span, or from trees that have been felled due to land clearance.

Tree wood kitchen tables

If you have been looking for a kitchen table for a while, look no further.

Give us a call and order your one-of-a-kind tree wood kitchen table.


Cover for Unique wild wood furniture
Unique wild wood furniture

Unique wild wood furniture

natural edge, natural wood, dining tables, coffee tables made to your specification,

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