Oak kitchen table, based on the same design as their dining table supplied by us previously.

This  kitchen table is a stunning slab of English Pippy oak, 120cm in length and 62cm at its widest point, but still large enough to seat 4 for occasional meals snacks and breakfast.

Oak kitchen table

Sitting on a handcrafted metal stand, by a local metal fabricator who works with us to produce one off pieces to enhance our timber.

This small oak kitchen table just goes to show you that even if you only have a small area we can work with you to produce the  kitchen table of your dreams at a price which is affordable to everyone.

This table was finished in high impact varnish and hand waxed to give an easy clean maintenance free surface.

Oak kitchen table

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Cover for Unique wild wood furniture
Unique wild wood furniture

Unique wild wood furniture

natural edge, natural wood, dining tables, coffee tables made to your specification,

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