Dining tables live edge

Dining tables live edge, these two beautiful slabs of elm grew strong and tall in the grounds of a huge private estate in the West Country, near the cheddar gourge.

The tree would have been several hundred years old and would have been magnificent with a huge green canopy giving shade to many a weary traveler and abundant with wild life being the home for hundred of insects and birds.

Sadly due to old age the tree in bad health the timber management team on the estate felled the tree, this is a process carried out all over the country and as with all managed woodland new trees are planted in the felled trees place.

This is only one half of the life of this elm tree and thankfully I have been involved in its new journey.

Once the tree was milled in to usable planks, it’s was air dried over a 3 year period then kiln dried for several weeks, now ready to be made in to something wonderful.

Dining tables live edge

dining tables live edge

We were contacted by Delens private bank in Belgium to make a unique table for there refectory in one of there latest banks in Leven.

After several emails and phone calls it was decided that two slabs of elm where to run parallel and interlock at there ends, the two slabs then sat on a bespoke tapered elm stand.

After being constructed and lovingly worked on in our workshop by my wife and myself, on the 4th of September the new table table left the workshop and English soil and started its new life in Leven.

Dining tables live edge

We at unique Wild wood are really proud to produce these bespoke pieces that will give many of years of use, and most importantly give our most precious of natural gifts ( trees ) a new lease of life.

Dining tables live edge

Next time you sit at one of our tables, just stop to think of the life it had before it came to you and the Huge impact it had over its life time.


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Unique wild wood furniture

Unique wild wood furniture

natural edge, natural wood, dining tables, coffee tables made to your specification,

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